For each part one can obtain a maximum of 20 points and for the whole exam – a maximum of 100 points. In order to pass each part of the exam it suffices to obtain a minimum of 11 points and in order to pass the whole exam – a minimum of 55 points. Failed parts can be repeated within 18 months year from the first examination session.
In case of absence from the exam, payment for an exam may be postponed to a next session only if you show a relevant document (e.g. medical certificate, certificate from your workplace, etc.) translated into Italian.
We invite your for December and June sessions
Dates of exams in 2019:
30 V (enrolment until 12 IV)
Levels: Livello CILS Uno- B1, Livello CILS Due- B2, Livello CILS Tre- C1, Livello CILS Quattro- C2.
A revision test serves as a helpful tool in determining what the level of your language competences is.
Due, Tre, Quattro Certificates authorize to teach Italian language in various institutions, depending on the level (the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 12 March 2009 on detailed qualifications required from teachers)
Examination Centre - Centro Italiano di Cultura, ul. Boh. Warszawy 26, 43-300 Bielsko- Biała.
In order to enrol on CILS exam it is necessary to:
- Correctly fill in the application form available on the website and deliver it to Centro Italiano di Cultura by e-mail or directly to the School’s Front Office, not later than within the deadline provided above.
- Attach a photocopy of identity card (ID or passport).
- Attach proof of payment.
The whole documentation may be also sent by traditional post or by e-mail. However, it should be in Centro Italiano not later than within the deadline mentioned above. Those who take advantage of traditional post services are advised to make sure (by phone or e- mail), whether the documents have reached our Centre on time and as a complete set.
Incorrect or incomplete enrolment shall not be taken into consideration.
Pricelist for exams in 2021:
CILS A1 - PLN 500
CILS A2 - PLN 500
CILS Uno (B1) - PLN 650
CILS Due (B2) - PLN 670
CILS Tre (C1) - PLN 700
CILS Quattro (C2) - PLN 750
For the holders of a Loyal Client Membership Card of Centro Italiano di Cultura we offer a discount amounting to 5% for each level
Cost of one part of exam:
CILS A1 – PLN 250
CILS A2 – PLN 250
CILS Uno (B1) – PLN 250
CILS Due (B2) – PLN 250
CILS Tre (C1) – PLN 250
CILS Quattro (C2) – PLN 250
Bank account in PLN: Bank PEKAO S.A. o./Bielsko-Biała 66 1240 6449 1111 0000 5277 2324
Quaderni CILS – one of the types of teaching materials used during the courses. Collection of exams which have been already conducted in the past. They have been published in order to make the candidates aware of the way in which the exam is carried out and to enable them to estimate their level in a correct way. It is possible to order them in person in our Centre, by phone, fax or via the Internet.
Pricelist of Quaderni CILS (2006/2007 SESSIONS)
Cils A1/A2 – PLN 135
CILS Uno (B1) - PLN 110
CILS Due (B2) – PLN 110
CILS Tre (C1) – PLN 110
CILS Quattro (C2) – PLN 110
Examination materials from 2012 session:
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